Make the most out of your blogging career by choosing the best blogging platform to make money in 2023. Learn the ins and outs of each platform and find your perfect match.

logging has come a long way since its inception, and it’s no surprise that folks are more eager than ever to jump on the bandwagon. With so many platforms available, it can be challenging to pinpoint the best blogging platform to make money in 2023. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the top contenders, their pros and cons, and provide a wealth of information to help you make an informed decision. Let’s dive in!

Best Blogging Platform to Make Money in 2023:

1. The Classic Choice:

a. Flexibility and Customization is, without a doubt, the most popular blogging platform. Its open-source nature allows for unparalleled customization, making it the perfect choice for those who want full control over their blog’s appearance and functionality.

b. Monetization Options
With, you’re spoiled for choice when it comes to monetization. You can take advantage of affiliate marketing, sponsored content, ad placements, or even sell digital products and services.

2. Wix: The User-Friendly Contender:

a. Ease of Use
Wix is well-known for its user-friendly drag-and-drop website builder. It’s an excellent choice for beginners who may feel overwhelmed by more complex platforms.

b. Monetization Opportunities
Wix offers a range of monetization options, including ad placements and e-commerce functionality. However, it’s worth noting that these features may require upgrading to a paid plan.

3. Medium: The Platform for Thought Leaders:

a. Built-in Audience
Medium boasts a large, engaged audience, making it an ideal platform for bloggers looking to establish themselves as thought leaders in their niche.

b. Medium Partner Program
Medium’s Partner Program allows writers to earn money based on the engagement their articles receive. It’s a unique monetization opportunity, but the potential for earnings may be limited compared to other platforms.

4. Blogger: The Google-Backed Option:

a. Simple Interface
Blogger is a straightforward platform backed by Google, making it a reliable choice for bloggers who prefer simplicity.

b. Google AdSense Integration
Blogger’s integration with Google AdSense makes it easy for users to monetize their blogs through ads. However, the platform lacks the customization options and advanced features found in other contenders.

5. Ghost: The Lightweight Alternative:

a. Speed and Performance
Ghost is a lightweight blogging platform focused on speed and performance. It’s perfect for those who prioritize a fast-loading website.

b. Built-in Subscription Model
Ghost offers a built-in subscription model, allowing bloggers to monetize their content through paid memberships. This feature sets it apart from other platforms, but it may not be suitable for all niches.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Blogging Platform to Make Money in 2023:

Cost and Budget:

When selecting the best blogging platform to make money in 2023, consider the costs associated with each platform. Some platforms offer free plans, while others may require a monthly or annual subscription.

Ease of Use:

Are you a tech-savvy blogger or a total newbie? Consider the ease of use of each platform to ensure you can effectively manage your blog without pulling your hair out.

Customization Options:

Do you want your blog to stand out from the crowd? Look for platforms that offer a wide range of customization options to create a unique online presence.

Monetization Features:

Determine which monetization options are essential for your blogging goals. Some platforms may excel in affiliate marketing, while others are better suited for ad placements or e-commerce.

Support and Community:

Having a robust support system and an active community can be invaluable as you navigate the world of blogging. Research the support options and communities surrounding each platform before making your decision.


The best blogging platform to make money in 2023 ultimately depends on your unique needs and goals. Whether you’re looking for a user-friendly option like Wix, the classic choice of, or a platform with a built-in audience like Medium, this guide has provided valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.

Happy blogging!